What if your lover has been slow-poisoning you with chocolates??

Chocolate contains a chemical called β-phenethylamine (β-PEA) which has been reported to produce toxins that can induce neurodegeneration, however, the effect is dose-dependent. Chocolate contains various antioxidants such as polyphenols, which have been reported to be protective against many diseases. However, chocolate also contains caffeine, phenylethylamine and many more psychoactive substances that account for its pleasurable effects. It has been suggested that over-consumption of chocolates could cause oxidative stress and produce neurological toxins leading to various pathological consequences like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.

But, fear not!! To induce the production of neuronal toxins, we would need a minimal dose of 1g of phenylethylamine, which would mean eating 15kg of chocolate rapidly at one time.


  1. Borah, Anupom, et al. “Contribution of β-phenethylamine, a component of chocolate and wine, to dopaminergic neurodegeneration: implications for the pathogenesis of Parkinson’s disease.” Neuroscience bulletin 29.5 (2013): 655-660.
  2. Benton, David, and A. Nehlig. “The biology and psychology of chocolate craving.” Coffee, tea, chocolate, and the brain (2004): 206-219.

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