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Check Movie Corner Page Our Moments :- Session With the Director Himself Romi Meitei, Discussion Session with Members of our Movie Corner for his movie, Our Home. Virtual Celebration of 1 year Cake cutting Ceremony marking the celebration of Our CEO, Oja Wangthoi and Movie Corner’s Birth Anniversary Members [Looking Happy Outside, Hopefully Not Dying …
Science corner is a team of two undergrads venturing into science communication and popularization under the mentorship of a grad student. The team works on various topics of scientific research and interest and informs the public about how science can be correlated with everyday life on a monthly basis on the official YouTube channel of …
By Richard P. Feynman Released : 27/03/2021 Reviewed : 7/03/2021 Reviewed by : Linthoingambi Ningthoujam Richard P. Feynman was the most famous and one of the world\’s greatest theoretical physicist.He was also an artist(under the pseudo name Ofey), a safecracker, practical joker, storyteller and enthusiastic bongo drummer. He wins Novel Prize for physics …
By Easterine Kire Released : 27/03/2021 Reviewed : 07/03/2021 Reviewed by: Siami Guite MARI is one of Easterine Kire’s writings where she brings alive the true story of a battle in Kohima that ended the Japanese invasion of India during the WWII through her aunt Mari’s memories and a diary she had maintained during that …
By David Goggins Released : 20/02/2021Reviewed : 05/02/2021Reviewed by : Linthoingambi Ningthoujam This book is not just a memoir of a U.S Navy SEALs. It is a story of a man where poverty, prejudice, physical abuse and failure coloured his days and haunted his nights. But with his will power, self-discipline, mental toughness and hard …