Join us - Be a Part of MitSna

Our members are our strength. We have members coming from diverge backgrounds and institutes focusing on a common goal. MitSna members are categorise as follows:

General Member

General Member

Those who wishes to be a part of MitSna and are enrolled in a college or a university.

Junior Member

Junior Member

those Who wishes to be part of MitSna and are under the age of 19 years.

Senior Member

Senior Member

those Who wishes to be part of MitSna and are working professionals.

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checklist for form submission

  1. Statement of Purpose(SOP) on why you wish to join MitSna. (300 – 500 words)
  2. CV/Resume for General and Senior Members. Junior Membership may choose to upload their latest marksheet / a copy of their ID card.(in pdf format)

These requirements help us understand our members better and improve our organizational structure. By understanding our members, we project our organization better to potential collaborators. Members are the heart and soul of MitSna.Membership to MitSna is a privilege open to people of Manipuri origin/roots interested in education. Induction to MitSna depends wholly on your Membership Application; please take your time filling out our application form.

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"We look forward to receiving your application and welcome you to our big diverse family."

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Members Recruitment Cycle 2024 - 25

Members Recruitment 2024 Begins

Share Your Experience Team

Media Team

Public Speaking Session


Subsidiary - Book Corner

For queries related to membership, don’t hesitate to get in touch with our HR Executive at .

 For queries related to payment, please get in touch with our Head of Finance at

give us feedback

contact us at


Singjamei Mayengbam Leikai, Imphal West Manipur

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