Mitsna House


By Bama Released : 20/02/2021 Reviewed : 23/01/2021 Reviewed by : Sylvish Waikhom Karukku is the first autobiography written by a Dalit woman. It is translated from Tamil by Lakshmi Holmstrom. It is a classic of subaltern writing. In Karukku, Bama not only writes about her struggles and oppression but also about the many problems …

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By Stephen Fry Released : 26/12/2020Reviewed : 24/11/2020Reviewed by : Meesha Luwang “We know how brutal soldiers can be. Years of homesickness, hardship and the loss of comrades while under the constant danger of life-threatening injury harden the heart and stifle the small voice of mercy. We know how the Red Army raped, looted and …

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A short story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie Released : 07/11/2020 Reviewed : 29/10/2020 Reviewed by : Susma Sharma Gurumayum The story opens with Zikora in labour in a hospital room. Zikora is a 39 year old Nigerian working in the United States as a lawyer. Her lawyer boyfriend, to her surprise, left her when she …

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by Albert Camus Released :17/10/2020 Reviewed : 15/10/2020 Reviewed by : Shushanti Mutum An Individual’s perception makes the world a different place, unique of its own…. Should we judge a person according to our perception or should we just understand like any other glass of wine? Such a sensational work is “The Outsider” by Albert …



By Megha MajumdarReleased :10 /10/2020Reviewed : 30/10/2020Reviewed by : Mona AimolA Burning is an all-consuming story that sketches the complexity of societies with sophistication. The story lays its pillars on three protagonists whose lives are intertwined with events that throw readers at the face of the fragility of moral courage displaying the potential for the …

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